Authentic Islamic scriptures reveal a number of signs that will precede AKHIRAH—the end, which among others include: emergence of unexpected power centres; loss of integrity; divisions among people striving for the same goal; disappearance of men/women of reason etc.
As these signs reveal themselves one after the other, the faithful are expected to maintain a more resilient grip on deeds that will save them the embarrassment of the final day; where those that did good will go to ‘Janah’ and those that did contrary to ‘Jahanam’.
It is however unfortunate that the fall of ‘AKHIRAH’ shall not spare anyone; not even the faithful! On that day, suffering shall be general and extreme; everybody shall be on their own; hustling to overcome rocks from disintegrating mountains.
The good news is that when the storm finally clears, the faithful (those that make right decisions for the common good) shall live in everlasting tranquility.
Unfortunately, pointers indicate that few of opposition candidates shall be among victors in the aftermath of AKHIRAH; unless if they forge a way out before parliamentary nominations. The existing row between major opposition players and emergency of a fleet of independent opposition candidates is worrying.
The National Unity Platform (NUP) may be the rising first–time hunter pursuing deer in the park; but their targets lie ahead of a den of seemingly ailing lions—Forum for Democratic Change (FDC); and a mass of dead elephants—Democratic party (DP), JEEMA, ANT, Independents etc., blocking the only way to the deer.
Disposing off or clambering the dead elephants will be tasking; and overcoming the lions either through trapping or direct combat is a daring exercise. There’s no doubt the “hunter may end up being hunted”; and consequently lose her target to the lions; survive with injuries or even turn into prey. The lion may also secure the deer at last.
Unfortunately, during the scuffle, there’s a likelihood that the Ranger—the National Resistance Movement (NRM), will be alerted and shall unleash her might to secure the park through a combination of manipulation, bullets, pepper spray and sedatives to overwhelm the hunter and the lions. Eventually, she’ll have the discretion to determine the fate of the deer.
The 2016 election statistics indicate that in most constituencies that were won by the opposition, the NRM were the first runners–up. Therefore, in a constituency like Rubaga North, with Kawalya Abubaker and Kasibante Moses or Mukono Municipality with Betty Nambooze and her daughter in-law Lydia Namayengo competing, the opposition vote is likely to be divided in favor of NRM candidates.
The struggle to subdue the NRM regime is apparently torn between opposition political party interests fighting to secure opposition leadership in the next parliament, and self-seeking politicians chasing for individual gains.
If the opposition political group is meaningful and true to the struggle, like Lydia and Kasibante mentioned while launching their independent bid, they ought to retreat and make critical decisions ahead of the 2021 elections.
If nothing is done to rectify the prevailing opposition infighting, ‘AKHIRAH’ is inevitable; the opposition will be disbanded and majority opposition candidates will be ditched into ‘Jahanam’. We shall consequently witness the most embarrassing opposition minority in the next parliament.
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